The concept of civilization occupies a particularly prominent and complicated place in the history of ideas. When we consider the notion of the “burden of civilization” and all that has been done in its name 4, one has to ask: How did the idea of civilization -so often thought of in a positive light, particularly by its many European advocates, despite their often less-than-civilized methods in advancing civilization- come to be so closely associated, perhaps even synonymous for some, with conflict and conquest? Walter Benjamin poignantly illustrated this point when he noted that there “is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism” 5. Bush, responded to the terrorist attacks of Septemby declaring a “war on terror” that is “civilization’s fight” or a “struggle for civilization” 3. 1” Eighty years on from the “war to end all wars” 2, then United States President, George W.

On the reverse side of the Victory Medal, also known as the Inter-Allied Victory Medal, which was awarded to many of those who served in the First World War are inscribed the words: “THE GREAT WAR FOR CIVILISATION 1914-1919.